Friends, meet our newest family member: Tucker Laser Rock Nasser! Our family is so excited to have this little guy in our lives. Getting a dog has been on our radar for a while, and I’m sharing Tuck’s back story in today’s new puppy announcement post. Get ready for cuteness overload!!
New Puppy Announcement! Meet Tucker
Why we got a new puppy
Well, the short answer is a global pandemic. I know I’m not the only one. We’ve been seeing lots of new puppies all around Capitol Hill. Jeff and I have been discussing the idea of getting a dog on and off for a while, but we just weren’t ready yet. Once we realized we would be spending A LOT of time at home, the discussion shifted to: this seems like the best time to do it.
A few days before they closed DC schools, we saw an adorable Vizsla puppy. It almost felt like a sign! We started asking around and looking into breeders within driving distance. After a few conversations, we found our match.
Also, there are a lot of feelings about the virus which is creating some permanent memories. We thought having a new puppy could create a positive association with this unprecedented time.

All about Tuck
So the first question we get is: “What kind of dog is that?” Tuck is a Vizsla, also know as a Hungarian Pointer. These dogs were used to make dogs you may know like the Weimeriner and the German Short Hair Pointer.
I fell in love with this breed when I babysat in college for a family who had one. She was just an amazing and beautiful dog that I knew that wanted one day when I grew up. Since then, I would always spot them in the park and point them out.
Which lead to Jeff and eventually the kids identifying them as well!
Once Sam got older, he actually named our future dog: Fireball. He said because he was red and it was a super cool name. Since Jeff and I did not want to name our dog after an alcohol typically reserved for shots or the bully reindeer from Rudolph, we tried steering the kids away from Fireball.
The next name that rose to the top was Laser. Then Rock, Rocket, Rocker came into the mix. We wanted the kids excited, but not have a dog with a crazy name. Jeff and I were having side conversations about the name and loved Tucker. We told the kids his official name would include their suggestions, which is how we ended up with Tucker Laser Rock Nasser.
Bringing Home a New Puppy
Once we found our breeder in Virginia, we agreed to meet halfway to get our pup on April 17. It was pretty easy to get the kids super excited about this since besides Easter, there wasn’t a single thing on our April calendar.
It was the first time the kids had been in a car in over a month! The drive out was such a nice change of pace. Above are a few snapshots from the day. Just look at those smiling faces!!!
If I’m being completely honest, the first few days and weeks were met with many ups and downs. The sleepless nights of a new puppy combined with homeschooling was a little much. But we also love taking evening walks with the whole family and laughing at all the funny things Tuck does. Seriously, I can write a long post just about this topic!
In the end, it was a great decision and we’re all so very happy. We love our new puppy Tuck and can’t wait for our friends and family to meet him!