Well folks, you are looking at a 40 year old today!! I mean, how did this happen? One minute you’re graduating college, buying your first pots and pan set thinking you have all your shit together and everyone over 30 is soooooo old. Then, you’re 40 and thankfully knows all too well that no one has their shit together. {That may be the first curse on FBM, but, well, it’s my birthday}.
In some ways, I feel like that person was from another century. But also, it felt like yesterday. Like the lyrics in Lover – “has it been 20 seconds, or twenty years?”

40th birthday dress / birthday shoes

For the last few weeks I’ve been contemplating what this post would be like. Maybe a list of 40 things I’ve learned, or my hopes and dreams of the next decade.
But I decided I would just live in the now and enjoy this time of life. It’s funny, looking at pictures of myself back when I was younger I could almost see the insecurities come through in the photos. Now, I want to remember my 40th birthday filled with joy, happiness, celebration, beauty, and life. I have so much to be thankful for and I want that to be reflected. Plus, my 80 year old self may enjoy these shots.
We had so much fun with these pictures that Meg and I were half joking that 40th birthday photo sessions should become a thing. What a great way to celebrate the life you’ve had.
As for my actual plans, you can find me enjoying a massage at the L’Occitane spa and mentally transporting myself to Provence. Followed by the usual mom duties and a low key dinner. Jeff is taking me to my favorite Dinner spot, Le Diplomat, this weekend.
So enjoy your Monday everyone! I hope whatever birthday is next for you on the calendar that you have the happiest day and wonderful year. Cheers!!
Thank you Meghan Cavanaugh for these amazing moments in time.