Hi friends! Today we are talking planks!! I posted this 8 minute plank challenge video to my YouTube page, but thought I’d share some plank information as well!
Pilates Abs Workout
If you’re looking to tone and strengthen your core, this pilates abs workout is for you! What’s great about this quick workout is that is it’s low impact but super effective – making it super apartment and busy schedule friendly.
Your whole abdomen will feel this. If you’re getting serious about increasing your core strength – which will also improve your balance, coordination, circulation, while giving you sculpted tummy – make this video part of your routine. Make the commitment to do this pilates abs workout 3-4 times per week for four weeks. You’ll definitely notice the difference from when you started to where you finish.
About My Workouts
I created my workouts after getting a little tired of the typical barre class. I wanted something Barr-ish. So you’ll find dance, cardio, pilates, yoga, barre, and lots of fun in my workouts. But before we dive into today’s class – let’s get real. On this channel, we strive for strong bodies and feeling good on the inside. While way too many of us are looking for quick fixes and searching terms like “flat belly” and “lose fat”. Doing this video once for eleven minutes, isn’t going to magically transform you. But you know what? Loving your body, celebrating what it can do, showing up for yourself – that will give you results. Get ready to feel the 🔥 . It’s time to get spicy. So let’s get stronger and healthier together! I hope you enjoy this quick and effective workout.

For the Taylor Swift Fans: A workout to every song on the Lover Album
Checkout my workout reels and videos on Instagram @kellienasser_
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